The Boofola Promise

Boofola LLC - Our Promise to You!
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The Boofola Promise is that Everyone Has Value, Period!

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The Boofola Promise is that Everyone Has Value, Period!

We Are Happy to Be Different!

The Boofola Promise that Everyone Has Value, Period! When starting this company, I wanted to make sure that my goal was not just to see how rich I could get, while those that did most of the real work for my money could be struggling or even starving!

While watching the nightly news, I decided that a company dedicated to what I call the “Let It Rise” concept of economics (I am writing about my concept and will post soon!). But, it couldn’t just be left at getting the poor to be rich would then make me right, I had to make things more clear. so we have this statement, just hope I covered everything!

Boofola’s Promise:

BOOFOLA LLC Does Not Just Accept Differences – We Celebrate Them, We Support Them, And We Thrive On Them!

We Believe That Everyone Has Value Without Regard to Race, Color, Religion, Gender, Gender Identity or Expression, Sexual Orientation, National Origin, Genetics, Disability, Age, Veteran Status, or Regards to Citizenship and Immigration Status.

We promise to treat everyone equally, and to never exclude!

Boofola LLC is proud to be an equal opportunity employer; we stay true to our mission by ensuring that our place can be anyone’s place.

We hire great people from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes our company and all of us stronger.

A Few More Words

I honestly have a very logical and analytical mind (with a bunch of creativity thrown in there), so I sometimes make the wording more than it has to really be, but I wanted to make sure to get my point across also!

Everyone is welcome at Boofola, but we would like to concentrate on Small Businesses. Then we want to make it a very clear point that we want to get the word out about any person who over-comes something to really make it in this world. That is why we add a little more information for any Disadvantaged-Owned Business.


This work might have a lot of problems, but nothing that we can stand up together and fix those problems. Together a forest is much stronger in a wind storm, than one tree standing alone in a field.

I am teaching all of my employees to remember:

Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime! – Native American Saying

You might ask, but as a business think about how many times you might have called in a technician to get a paper-jam out of the copier? You finally decided to watch to see what they did, then the next time you did it yourself. Sure, your hands were shaking, you could barely keep the sweat out of your eyes, it was like you were defusing a bomb. The point is that you did it! You no longer had to pay someone $170 dollars to do something that took less than 2 minutes to do.

Give Us A Chance

There is really too much to say about all of this, I tend to get passionate about this, as all of us do!

Contact Boofola today to find out how we can help you grow and be stronger.

Thank you for taking the time to read: The Boofola Promise

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*** Please note the date of article publication at the top of this page, The information contained within these writings may have become outdated and no longer as relevant as at the time of posting. We do not remove older information because there is always something to be learned from the past. We will continue to try and update articles as needed.

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