Website Accessibility Statement

Our Website Accessibility Statement

Last Updated: October 10th, 2024

BOOFOLA LLC and have an ongoing commitment to achieving the highest levels of satisfaction for all aspects of its users’ online experiences. As part of these efforts, we have been dedicating our time and resources to offering a quality online experience on our website at (the “Website”) to users with disabilities that is full and equal to that provided to users without disabilities.

To assist in achieving the aforementioned accessibility goals with respect to the Website, we are continually designing, developing, and operating the Website in substantial conformance with generally-recognized and accepted guidelines and/or standards for website accessibility (the “Standards”). While these Standards may change and/or evolve over time, they are currently the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 at Levels A and AA (“WCAG 2.0“).

With the assistance of experienced accessibility consultants, including the National Center for Accessible Media at WGBH (“NCAM“), we are actively working to take the necessary steps to achieve substantial conformance with the Standards. NCAM will be providing training to necessary individuals on an ongoing basis regarding accessible website design and maintenance. Furthermore, our Website will continue to be assessed on a recurring basis from both an engineering and user-experience basis, including the use of assistive technology (such as screen readers and screen magnifiers), and the involvement of users with disabilities who use assistive technologies.

Contact us with your Accessibility questions/feedback. Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing. If, at any time you have any specific questions, feedback, or concerns about the accessibility of any particular web pages on this site, please contact us at If you do encounter an accessibility issue, please be sure to specify the web page/URL in your email, and we will make all reasonable efforts to address your concerns.

BOOFOLA LLC | Standing Stronger Together!

Need to Contact Us for Any Reason?

If you have any questions about these policies, statements, the website, BOOFOLA LLC, or for any other reason, please contact us at the information below!

In order to resolve a complaint regarding the site or to receive further information regarding the use of the site, please contact us.

Our Contact Form: Contact Us 

By Email:

By Phone: +1 (570) 929-0234

By Fax: +1 (570) 917-0234

By Postal Service (snail mail):

10 Ramona Park Unit F
Atten: Policies Dept.
Rochester, NY 14615-3238
United States

For more legal information as it pertains to BOOFOLA LLC or the use of the Site, please see our privacy policy, cookie policy, terms and conditions of use, DMCA notification policy, and copyright and reprint policy.

Need easier access to our complete list of policies? Go to our BOOFOLA Policies Page.

BOOFOLA LLC | Standing Stronger Together!

*Thank You To UnSplash.Com & Vecteezy.Com For The Images Used In Our Articles & On Our Website. 
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